Mariadb 10.5 on Rocky Linux 2024-09-03
Mariadb installation the correct waysudo dnf install wget ; # wget ; # echo "6083ef1974d11f49d42ae668fb9d513f7dc2c6276ffa47caed488c4b47268593 mariadb_repo_setup" | sha256sum -c - ; # chmod +x ./mariadb_repo_setup ; # sudo ./mariadb_repo_setup --mariadb-server-version="mariadb-10.5" ; # ## Install MariaDB Community Server and package dependencies: sudo dnf --assumeyes install mariadb-server ;======================================= OLD WAY: (does not seem to install the correct version!)
cat <<<END > /etc/yum.repos.d/mariadb.repo ; [mariadb] name = MariaDB baseurl = module_hotfixes=1 gpgkey= gpgcheck=1 END # dnf --assumeyes install mariadb-server ;=========================
systemctl start mariadb.service; systemctl enable mariadb.service; ##You can now verify the status of the MariaDB service using the following command: systemctl status mariadb.service ;