Instructions to run feathers completely from console, no coding!
IMPORTANT: open up a new tab “about:blank”
Click to open a new about:blank page.
Load the libraries
/* load in libraries */ [ '' , '^3.0.0/dist/feathers.js' ].forEach( (src) => { let script = document.createElement('script'); // script.setAttribute('crossOrigin', 'anonymous' ); /* optional */ script.src = src; // script.type = 'javascript'; /*optional */ script.src = src; script.async = false; document.head.appendChild(script); // or document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; });alternative method:
/usr/bin/cat <<END | ncat --listen 80 ; <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-us"> <head> <script src=''></script> <script src='^3.0.0/dist/feathers.js'></script> </head> <body> fake webserver page. include extra jScript code in the console. </body> </html> END
initialize constants
/* initialize constants */ const app = feathers(); const socket = io(); /* defaults to: const socket = io('ws://localhost:3030'); */ const socket = io('ws://###.###.###.###:3030'); /*if we need to connect to different host */ app.configure(feathers.socketio(socket)); /* PLEASE dont skip this one!! */ /* -- or -- */ app.configure(feathers.socketio(io('ws://###.###.###.###:3030'))); /* just combine the last two lines */
/* create(POST) */async function createTiny(name, address) { let createResult = await app.service(‘tiny-connect’).create({ name: name, address: address }); console.log(‘createTiny function result: ‘ + JSON.stringify(createResult) ); return createResult; }; createTiny(‘Mark Edwards’, ’123 Swallow Lane’).then((value) => { /* create(POST) */ console.log(‘createTiny: ‘ + JSON.stringify(value)); })
get(GET) just one using the primary index
/* get(GET) (just one by index) */ async function getTiny(id) { return await app.service(‘tiny-connect’).get(id); }; —- or —- async function getTiny(id) { let getResult = await app.service(‘tiny-connect’).get(id); console.log(‘getTiny function: ‘ + JSON.stringify(getResult) ); return getResult; }; let getTinyResult = null; let key = 1; // assuming your row ID is one getTiny(key).then( value => { /* get(GET) */ getTinyResult = value; console.log(‘getTiny(’ + key + ‘) : ‘ + JSON.stringify(getTinyResult) ); }); /* one line test: */ (async () => { try { let result = await app.service(‘stimword’).get(1) ; console.log(‘the result is: ‘ + JSON.stringify(result)) } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } )() ; /* or: */ (async () => { let logoutResult = await app.service(‘stimword’).get(2); console.log(logoutResult); })().catch(e => { console.log(e) });
find(GET) all or by query
/* find(GET) (get all or by query) */async function findTiny(query) { return await app.service(‘tiny-connect’).find(query);
let findTinyResultOne; let findDataObject = { ‘query’ :{ id: 0}}; // again, assuming your id is zero! findTiny(findDataObject).then((value) => { /* find(GET) (with data ) */ findTinyResultOne = value; console.log(‘findTiny with query: ‘ + JSON.stringify(findTinyResultOne) ); }); /* shortcut examples: */ (async () => { try { let result = await app.service(‘stimword’).find() ; console.log(‘the result is: ‘ + JSON.stringify(result)) } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } ) () ; (async () => { try { let result = await app.service(‘stimword’).find({‘query’:{‘stimwordWord’:‘horse’}}) ; console.log(‘the result is: ‘ + JSON.stringify(result)) } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } ) () ;
async function findTiny(query) { console.log(‘Query function using: ‘ + JSON.stringify(query) ); let findResult = await app.service(‘tiny-connect’).find(query); console.log(‘findTiny function: ‘ + JSON.stringify(findResult) ); return findResult;
let findTinyResultAll;
findTiny(null).then((value) => { /* find(GET) (find all) */ findTinyResultAll = value; console.log(‘findTiny without query: ‘ + JSON.stringify(findTinyResultAll) );
Accessing a KNEX RAW selecxt
SELECT JSON_ARRAYAGG( JSON_OBJECT( .......... ) ) 'JSON_ARRAYAGG' ..................................... const result = await knex.raw( sqlStatement, sqlQuery); return result[0][0].JSON_ARRAYAGG ; ................................... var newResult; (async () => { try { let result = await app.service('raw-service').find({query: sqlQuery}) ; newResult = result; } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } )() ; console.log(JSON.parse(newResult));
patch(PATCH) to update row(s)
/* patch(PATCH) */async function patchTiny(id, data, params) { /* patch(PATCH) */ let patchResult = await app.service(‘tiny-connect’).patch(id, data, params); console.log(‘patchTiny function: ‘ + JSON.stringify(patchResult) ); return patchResult;
let patchResult = null; let patchKey = 0; let patchData = {address: ’5678 There Street!’ }; patchTiny(patchKey, patchData ).then( value => { /* patch(PATCH) */ patchResult = value; console.log(‘patchResult: ‘ + JSON.stringify(patchResult)); });
combine create and insert into one promise
async function clientMasterCreate(query) { return await app.service(‘client-master’).create(query); };async function clientMasterFind(query) { return await app.service(‘client-master’).find( { ‘query’ : query } );
clientMasterObj = { ‘layoutName’ : ‘PESL’ , ‘teacherEmail’ : ‘’ , ‘teacherAutoIncr’ : 385 , ‘clientMasterEmail’ : ‘12yukos@gmail.comX’ };
clientMasterFind(clientMasterObj) .then( (clientMasterRow) => { return clientMasterRow }) .then( (clientMasterRow) => { if ( == 0 ) { return clientMasterCreate(clientMasterObj) .then( (clientMasterRow) => { console.log(‘inserting: ‘ + clientMasterRow.clientMasterAutoIncr ); return clientMasterRow.clientMasterAutoIncr; }) } else { return[].clientMasterAutoIncr; } }) .then ((result) => { console.log(‘clientMasterAutoIncr: ‘ + result)