NOTE – i had to manually edit the file since jobs were getting lost.
pm2 startup commands as of 2017-03-08
pm2 start —name voiceSpiceNodeServer /home/ — —port 8000 ;
pm2 start /home/ — —port 8001;
pm2 start /home/blah/html5AudioNodeSSH/nodeWaveFormPlayer.js — —port 8001 ;
pm2 start /usr/local/bash/monitorProcess.php — 15 40 30 20 1 ;
pm2 start —name ds-prod /usr/bin/deepstream — start ;
pm2 start —name messagePlayback /home/ — —port 9000;
pm2 start —name validateLogin /home/ — —port 9002 ;
end of pm2 startup command ==========
pm2 save ; ## save the current running jobs
pm2 startup centos ; ## make sure pm2 runs after next boot
pm2 start 1;
pm2 restart 1 ;
pm2 reload 1 ;
pm2 show 2;
pm2 stop 2;
pm2 delete 3;
- 2016-09-19 added these
pm2 reset 0 ; ## reset the “restart” counter
pm2 monit ; ## new feature to monitor activity dynamically (like the keymetrics website interface)
pm2 interact stop;
pm2 interact start ; ## interact with keymetrics
pm2 startup centos ; ## reboot stuff
more /etc/init.d/;
ls -l ~/.pm2/dump.pm2 ;
tail /root/.pm2/logs/voiceSpiceNodeServer-error-1.log ;
= 2016-06-04 cp -v /usr/local/lib/node_modules/pm2/lib/scripts/ /etc/systemd/system/