Instructions to create a VirtualBox-VM on a Windows box and convert it into a Google-VM
prerequisites: (i choose centos-8) (may not be necessary) - GoogleCloudSDKInstaller.exe
1) create a virtualbox-vm install to be transferred to google-vm
creation: - EXACT gigabyte, like 10, 20 qcow(?) (copy on right)settings: - System, Motherboard, disable floppy (not sure if this is necessary) - System, Processor, Enable PAE/NX (may be already enabled) - Storage, “Empty”, click the little CD icon (right) and select your ISO file attach ISO file to the virtual cd drive - Audio, disable audio (not sure if this is necessary ?) - network: ADVANCED — paravirtualized network (virtio-net)
2) start VirtualBox-vm (i had to verify my CD(optical) boot disk)
during install:
- Under “Software Selection” i choose “minimal functionality”
- Under Device Destination, i had to CLICK TWICE my ATA-VBOX-HARDDISK
- under NETWORK, click “CONFIGURE” button, “General” tab, and select “Connect automatically with priority”
- also under NETWORK, i like to make sure the network is working, there is an ON_OFF slider and you should be issued
an IP number which you can verify
- Centos-8 requires you to set the root password (dont forget it!)
- Click “Begin Installation” button
2) stop virtualbox-vm Power off the machine, do not select “reboot”
3) settings, Storage, remove ISO from virtual cd
4) boot up your new virtualbox-vm
(optional) dnf —assumeyes install vsftpd; systemctl enable vsftpd; systemctl start vsftpd ; systemctl stop firewalld ; ## or three below: firewall-cmd —zone=public —permanent —add-port=21/tcp ; firewall-cmd —zone=public —permanent —add-service=ftp ; firewall-cmd —reload ;
5a) new /etc/default/grub file:
### W-O-R-K-I-N-G GRUB
### to compile:
### grub2-mkconfig —output=/boot/grub2/grub.cfg ;
GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=”$(sed ‘s, release .*$,,g’ /etc/system-release)”
##GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=“crashkernel=auto resume=/dev/mapper/cl-swap rhgb quiet”
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=“console=ttyS0,38400n8d crashkernel=auto resume=/dev/mapper/cl-swap”
5b) chmod 644 /etc/default/grub;#### (just in case)
6) new new initramfs.bsh: (thank you Rich Halloway!)
echo ‘# Ensure Google Compute Engine drivers are built into initramfs’ >> /etc/dracut.conf.d/GCE.conf
echo -e “nadd_drivers+=” virtio_scsi virtio_blk virtio_net”“ >> /etc/dracut.conf.d/GCE.conf
echo ‘# Ensure AWS drivers are built into initramfs’ >> /etc/dracut.conf.d/AWS.conf
echo -e “nadd_drivers+=” xen-blkfront xen-netfront”“ >> /etc/dracut.conf.d/AWS.conf
echo ‘# Ensure AWS ENA drivers are built into initramfs’ >> /etc/dracut.conf.d/AWS-ENA.conf
echo -e “nadd_drivers+=” xen-blkfront xen-netfront nvme nvme-fabrics nvme-fc nvme-rdma nvme-fcloop nvme-loop nvmet-fc nvmet-rdma nvmet ena”“ >> /etc/dracut.conf.d/AWS-ENA.conf
kversion=$( rpm -q kernel | sed ‘s/kernel-//’ )
dracut -v -f “/boot/initramfs-${kversion}.img” “$kversion”
7) stop virtualbox-vm
8) use VirtualBox to convert vdi/qcow to a RAW file: cd “Program Files“OracleVirtualBox VboxManage.exe clonemedium disk “D:virtualboxcentos-8centos-8.vdi” “D:virtualboxcentos-8disk.raw” -format RAW
9) turn RAW file to a TAR (tape-archive) file: (notice file names in quotes, thank you Ric Alloway) - cd to location of RAW file - “C:Program Files (x86)GnuWin32bintar” —verbose —create —sparse —file=“disk.tar” “disk.raw”
10) turn TAR file to a gzip file: “C:Program Files (x86)GnuWin32bingzip.exe” —verbose —stdout “disk.tar” > “disk.tar.gz”
11) upload your new disk.tar.gz file here:
12) – cloud shell: gcloud compute images create centos-project —project=marks-project —source-uri= —storage-location=us
13) create a new vm from this newly created image.
14) i was unable to log in using the webbrowser SSH command, but was able to no problems using PuTTy
OLD STUFF BELOW ============
1) create a VirtualBox-vm install to be transferred to google-vm – !! MINIMAL install l!
2) stop VirtualBox
3a) C:
3b) cd “Program Files“OracleVirtualBox
3c) VboxManage.exe clonemedium disk “D:virtualboxcentos-8-smallcentos-8-small.vdi” “D:virtualboxcentos-8-smalldisk.raw” -format RAW
3d) ignore “already exists” message…. maybe this is left over from before?
4) create NEW virtualbox install at least twice the size of the original
5) dnf -y install vsftpd; systemctl start vsftpd; systemctl stop firewalld; ##
6) using filezilla, ftp the disk.raw created into step three into the NEW Virtualbox
7) tar —verbose —format=oldgnu -cSzf disk.tar.gz disk.raw ; ## notice NO dot-slash prefix on the disk.raw file!
8) sftp disk.tar.gz back to desktop
9) upload disk.tar.gz to:;tab=objects?forceOnBucketsSortingFiltering=false&project=cockroachdb-147617&prefix=&forceOnObjectsSortingFiltering=false
10) gcloud compute images create centos-8-from-virtualbox-raw —project=cockroachdb-147617 —source-uri= —storage-location=us ;
gcloud beta compute —project=cockroachdb-147617 instances create instance-1 —zone=us-central1-a —machine-type=e2-medium —subnet=default —network-tier=PREMIUM —maintenance-policy=MIGRATE — —scopes=,,,,, —image=centos-8-from-virtualbox-raw —image-project=cockroachdb-147617 —boot-disk-size=16GB —boot-disk-type=pd-standard —boot-disk-device-name=instance-1 —reservation-affinity=any
OLD: VboxManage clonehd -format RAW ~/VirtualBox VMs/gce-demo/gce-demo.qcow ~/disk.raw
VboxManage clonemedium -format RAW ~/VirtualBox VMs/gce-demo/gce-demo.qcow ~/disk.raw
cd into this directory:
cd Program FilesOracleVirtualBox
VBoxManage.exe clonemedium disk “D:virtualboxcentos-8centos-8-a.vdi” “D:virtualboxcentos-8disk.raw” -format RAW
VBoxManage.exe clonemedium disk “D:virtualboxcentos-8centos-8-a.vdi” “D:virtualboxcentos-8disk.qcow” -format qcow
### qcow2 did NOT work….
#########7zip – create tar gzip file ( may need to create tar first than gzip [gz] file, or name format (dot)tar(dot)gz )
tar —verbose —format=oldgnu -cSzf gce-demo.tar.gz disk.raw ;
gcloud compute instances create gce-demo —image gce-demo —machine-type=standard-1 —zone us-central1-b
## change format variable to format ‘fixed’ (NOT PART OF THE PROCESS) VBoxManage.exe clonemedium disk “D:virtualboxcentos-8centos-8.vdi” “D:virtualboxcentos-8centos-8-a.vdi” -variant Fixed ## change format variable to format ‘fixed’ (NOT PART OF THE PROCESS)