Complete FeathersJs SQL Raw Query

Oct 8, 09:54 AM

## Feathers Knex Raw Sql Examples 2022-11-10

(cross-referenced in

0) Install feathers if not already done

    npm install @feathersjs/feathers --save ;

1) Initialize new feathers environment

     npm init --yes ; 
     npm install   knex     feathers-knex ;

2) create a username/password:

    DROP USER IF EXISTS ‘knexUser’@‘localhost’                              ;
    CREATE USER ‘knexUser’@‘localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘knexPassword’;

    GRANT ALL ON `comptonTransAnlys`.* TO ‘knexUser’@‘localhost’                    
    IDENTIFIED BY ‘knexPassword’ WITH MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 0                

    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `comptonTransAnlys`.* TO ‘knexUser’@‘localhost’ ;

    # to test:
    # mariadb  —host=localhost —user=knexUser  —password=knexPassword    comptonTransAnlys    ;

3) Create feather application

 feathers generate app ;   ## probably select "n" for security, which can be created later

4) Create default Knex service

    ****** !!Only required if this is a NEW app, otherwise skip this entire step!! ******
feathers generate  service ;            ###  create type "knex" named  "knex-raw-init" and MariaDb"

4a) edit knex-raw-init.model.js

should look like this:
module.exports = function (app) {
  return app.get('knexClient');
its possible AFTER generating other calls that this file can (should?) be deleted

4b) move (or delete) directory

 mv  ./src/services/initialize-knex/  ./src/services/knex-raw-init-UNUSED/ ;
        ##  -- or   --
       tar -zcvf    knex-raw-init.gz   ./src/services/knex-raw-init/ ;
       ##   -- or/and  --
       rm -Rf    ./src/services/knex-raw-init/ ;

4c) change index.js file

vi ./src/services/index.js ; COMMENT OUT:
    //    const initializeKnex = require('./initialize-knex/initialize-knex.service.js');
   //     app.configure(knexInitialize);

4e) modify ./config/default.json to reflect the database access

(or answer this in the “generate service” prompt)
        'connection': 'mysql://knexUser:knexPassword@localhost:3306/comptonTransAnlys'
                  -- or  --
      "mysql": {
          "client": "mysql2",
              { "host"      : "localhost"
              , "port"      : 3306
              , "user"      : "knexUser"
              , "password"  : "knexPassword"
              , "database"  : "comptonTransAnlys"

5) Create our custom service!

 feathers  generate service ;  ##    create custom service named "my-custom-service"     

5a) change my-custom-service.class.js file

./src/services/my-custom-service/my-custom-service.class.js :
    /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
    const { QueryTypes } = require(‘feathers-knex’);     // new line!!

    exports.MyCustomService = class MyCustomService {
        constructor (options, app) {                     //  formerly just  constructor(options)
            this.options = options || {};
   = app;                                    // new line!

        async find (key) {                         /* note the default is “params” you may need to change this */
             /*   Postman GET:
                         notice /?one=twoooo   – last slash between service name and question mark is OPTIONAL!
   + ‘ in my find routine!!’);
            const knexClient =‘knexClient’);
                //  const rows = await knexClient.raw(‘SELECT VERSION;’);

                           //  ::
                           //   Positional bindings ? are interpreted as values and ?? are interpreted as identifiers.
            const sqlStatement = ‘SELECT variable_value  FROM information_schema.global_variables WHERE ?? = ?;’  ;
            const rows = await knexClient.raw( sqlStatement, [‘VARIABLE_NAME’, ‘VERSION’]);

// should execute this: SELECT variable_value FROM information_schema.global_variables where variable_name = ‘VERSION’ ;

console.table (rows); return `${JSON.stringify(key.query) + JSON.stringify(rows)} find routine!!`; } async get (key) { /* Postman GET: notice /123456789 – only ONE parameter as a suffix */ + ‘ in get routine!!’); const knexClient =‘knexClient’); const mariaDbDate = await knexClient.raw(‘SELECT CURDATE ;’ ); console.table(mariaDbDate); return `${JSON.stringify(key) + JSON.stringify(mariaDbDate)} get routine!`; } };

6) stop firewall if necessary

systemctl stop firewalld  ; 

7) Start the app

run    DEBUG=*    npm start ;
run    DEBUG=knex:query  npm start ;

8) either postman or browser do:    # get  # find

Optionally include parameters

     /*  named variables, please notice    DOUBLE-COLON does backticks while SINGLE-COLON does quote characters!  */
const sqlStatement = 'SELECT variable_value  FROM information_schema.global_variables WHERE :var_name: = :val ;'  ;
const sqlQuery = { var_name:  'VARIABLE_NAME' , val: 'VERSION' }  ;
const rows = await knexClient.raw( sqlStatement, sqlQuery);


easier to just generate…. to many steps to get this working.

4X) Create initial raw init model file (????)

mkdir  --parent   ./src/models/  ;  // just in case this does not exist yet.
cat <<END   >  ./src/models/INIT-KNEX-RAW.model.js;
module.exports = function (app) {
  return app.get('knexClient');


## S E Q U E L I Z E:

0) npm install sequelize

1) create sequelize CUSTOM SERVICE named: “my-custom-service”

2) edit ./src/sequelize.js change logging false to logging true

3) change: src/services/my-custom-service/my-custom-service.class.js :

/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
const { QueryTypes } = require(‘sequelize’);

exports.MyCustomService = class MyCustomService { constructor (options, app) { this.options = options || {}; = app; }

async find (key) { const sequelize =‘sequelizeClient’); const stimwordPositionSelectFind = ‘SELECT * FROM stimwordPosition WHERE 1 AND stimwordPositionWord = $stimwordPositionWord;’ ; const stimwordPositionSelectParms = { ‘stimwordPositionWord’ : JSON.parse(key.query).stimwordPositionWord } ; const rows = await sequelize.query ( stimwordPositionSelectFind , { ‘bind’ : stimwordPositionSelectParms } ); return rows; }

################################ browser-console:

in browser console (common initial setup for all examples)

[you may need to visit the “about:blank” webpage — 2022-22-21 ]

first visit to “initialize” chrome

[ ‘//’
, ‘//^3.0.0/dist/feathers.js’
].forEach( (src) => { let script = document.createElement(‘script’); script.src = src; script.async = false; document.head.appendChild(script);
const app = feathers(); const socket = io(); app.configure(feathers.socketio(socket));

// optional if trying to run on another http[s] webpage rather than at

const socket = io.connect ( ’’ , { ‘path’ : ‘/’ , ‘port’ : ‘3030’ , ‘hostname’ : ’’ , ‘secure’ : false } );


async function stimwordPositionFind(param) { console.log( ‘param: ‘ + param); let getResult = await app.service(‘my-custom-service’).find(param); console.log(‘stimwordPosition function: ‘ + JSON.stringify(getResult) ); return getResult;
let stimwordPositionResult = null;
let key = { ‘query’ : { ‘stimwordWord’ : ‘horse’, ‘parm2’ : ‘answer2’ } } ;
stimwordPositionFind(key).then( value => { /* get(GET) */ stimwordPositionResult = value; console.log(‘stimwordPosition(’ + key + ‘) : ‘ + JSON.stringify(stimwordPositionResult) );

async function stimwordPosition(id) { /* get(GET) (just one by index) */ console.log( ‘id: ‘ + id); let getResult = await app.service(‘my-custom-service’).find(id); console.log(‘stimwordPosition function: ‘ + JSON.stringify(getResult) ); return getResult;

############ GET GET GET GET GET GET

async get (id) { const sequelize =‘sequelizeClient’); const stimwordPositionSelectGet = `SELECT * FROM stimwordPosition WHERE 1 AND stimwordPositionAutoIncr = ${id};`; const rows = await sequelize.query(stimwordPositionSelectGet); return rows; }

async function stimwordPosition(id) { /* get(GET) (just one by index) */ console.log( ‘id: ‘ + id); let getResult = await app.service(‘my-custom-service’).get(id); console.log(‘stimwordPosition function: ‘ + JSON.stringify(getResult) ); return getResult;
let stimwordPositionResult = null; let key = 1; // assuming your row ID is one
stimwordPosition(key).then( value => { /* get(GET) */ stimwordPositionResult = value; console.log(‘stimwordPosition(’ + key + ‘) : ‘ + JSON.stringify(stimwordPositionResult) );

let stimwordPositionResult = null; let key = 1; // assuming your row ID is one
stimwordPosition(key).then( value => { /* get(GET) */ stimwordPositionResult = value; console.log(‘stimwordPosition(’ + key + ‘) : ‘ + JSON.stringify(stimwordPositionResult) );

/notice object starting with “query” for the find: let stimwordPositionResult = null; let key = { ‘query’ : ‘horse’ } ; // assuming your row ID is one stimwordPositionFind(key).then( value => { /* get(GET) */ stimwordPositionResult = value; console.log(‘stimwordPosition(’ + key + ‘) : ‘ + JSON.stringify(stimwordPositionResult) ); });
Mark Edwards



bash reading file using IFS read loop

Sep 27, 08:26 AM

the problem was trying to get the variables to process outside of the subshell, otherwise the value was not preserved!

  1. cat test.txt:
    first example line one
    first example line two
    first example line three
    second example line one
    second example line two
  1. test.bsh:
    #while read -r line; do
    while IFS=’‘ read -r line; do [[ $line *'first example'* ]] && ((++first)) [[ $line ‘second example’ ]] && ((++second))
    done < <(cat test.txt;) ## notice passing in command results using <() syntax.

echo $first ## should display 3
echo $second ## should display 2

Mark Edwards



Javascript chained promises -and async/await

Aug 28, 08:00 AM

/* 2023-04-26 */

/* 2023-04-25 */
( (delay) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) ); /* returns a zero or a one BETTER WAY SEE SITEPOINT FORUM */ }, delay); });
.then( (done) => { return ( ‘==>>’ + done )
.then( (last) => console.log(last) )

/* 2023-01-12a – async.await chaining */

const asyncFunction = (timeIn) => { return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(++timeIn); }, timeIn * 1000); });

(async (value) => { console.log(‘starting with: ‘, value); const firstResult = await asyncFunction(value); const secondResult = await asyncFunction(firstResult); console.log(‘ending with:’, secondResult);

/* 2023-01-12 – async-await chaining */

async function asyncCounterFunction(counter) { return ++counter; }

(async (initialData) => { const firstTime = await asyncCounterFunction(initialData); const secondTime = await asyncCounterFunction(firstTime); const thirdTime = await asyncCounterFunction(secondTime) asyncCounterFunction(thirdTime)) console.log(‘Completion!’); })(1) async function testFunction(initialData) { const firstTime = await asyncCounterFunction(initialData); const secondTime = await asyncCounterFunction(firstTime); const thirdTime = await asyncCounterFunction(secondTime) asyncCounterFunction(thirdTime)) console.log(‘Completion!’); } testFunction(1);

async function asyncCounterFunction(counter) { try { return ++counter; } catch(e) { console.error(e) } }

/* 2023-01-10 – added async-await instead */
const myFunction = async (seconds) => { await setTimeout( () => {, “done!”); }, seconds) } ; myFunction(2000) ;

/* one liner */
( async (seconds) => { await setTimeout( () => {, “done!”); }, seconds) } )(2000)

/* old ugly way */
async function newFunction(seconds) { await setTimeout( () => {, “done!”); }, seconds) } ; newFunction(2000) ;


<<< leave this on top, fast & crude way to flatten out a promise! >>>
(async () => { try { let result = await feathersApp.logout(); console.log(‘the result is: ‘ + result) } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } ) () ;
(async () => let logoutResult = await feathersApp.logout(); console.log(logoutResult); })().catch(e => { console.log(e) });



const firstPromise = (promiseInput) => { return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => { // long version console.log(promiseInput); let returnStuff = promiseInput + ‘ – parameter passed into first promise. ‘ ; setTimeout( () => { console.log (‘waiting a half-second, resolving: ‘ + returnStuff); resolve (returnStuff); },500 ); // we could use the “reject” function if this promise failed! })
} // shorter version per “windbeneathmywings”
const secondPromise = (promiseInput) => new Promise( (resolve, reject) => { console.log(promiseInput); let returnStuff = promiseInput + ‘ – parameter passed into second promise. ‘ ; setTimeout( () => { console.log (‘waiting a half-second, resolving: ‘ + returnStuff); resolve (returnStuff); },500 );

const thirdPromise = (promiseInput) => new Promise( (resolve, reject) => { console.log(promiseInput); let returnStuff = promiseInput + ‘ – parameter passed into third promise. ‘ ; setTimeout( () => { console.log (‘waiting a half-second, resolving: ‘ + returnStuff); resolve (returnStuff); },500 );

firstPromise(‘one’) .then( value => { return secondPromise (value + ‘ two’) }) // long version .then( value => thirdPromise (value + ‘ three’) ) // shorter version per “windbeneathmywings” .then( value => console.log(’ FINAL result: ‘ + value) ) .catch( error => { console.log(’ ERROR! ‘ + error ) }) ;

// ======================================================

// ** 2021-09-14 10:47 AM return promise(dot)then example **

const promiseA = (parm) => { return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => { setTimeout( () => { resolve(“promise-A “ + parm); }, 1000 ); });

const promiseB = (parm) => { return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => { setTimeout( () => { resolve(“promise-B “ + parm); }, 2000 ); });

const promiseC = (parm) => { return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => { setTimeout( () => { resolve(“promise-C “ + parm); }, 3000 ); });

function getExample(initialParms) { /* notice Promise-dot-then-dot-catch usage, NOT async/await usage */ // locally scoped const results = {};

return promiseA(initialParms) .then ( (resultA) => { // add value to results object results.a = resultA; // pass result of this promise to next promise return promiseB(resultA); } ) .then ( (resultB) => { results.b = resultB; return promiseC(resultB); } ) .then ( (resultC) => { results.c = resultC; // results object now contains all values from promise chain return Promise.resolve(results); } ) .catch ( (error) => { return Promise.reject(error); } ) ;

let marksResults ; getExample(‘first parms entered’).then( (finalResults) => { marksResults = finalResults } ) ;

// =======================================================

// ** 2021-09-13 3:00 PM async/await example **

const promiseA = (parm) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(resolve, 0500, ‘promise A ‘ + parm); }) };

const promiseB = (parm) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(resolve, 0500, ‘promise B ‘ + parm); }) };

async function getExample(parm) { /* notice async/await usage, not Promise-dot-then-dot-catch usage */ let resultA = await promiseA(parm); console.log(‘first: ‘ + resultA); // some processing let resultB = await promiseB( parm + ‘-’ + resultA ); console.log(‘second: ‘ + resultB); // more processing return resultB // something using both resultA and resultB

let final ; getExample(‘123’).then ( (xx) => { final = xx ; } )

// =====================================================

// ** 2021-09-13 10am Promises.all example where parameters are not passed **

my own example of “Promises.all”:

const promise1 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(resolve( ‘promise one’), 0500 ); }); // notice different way for parm!
const promise2 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(resolve, 6000, ‘promise two’); });
const promise3 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(resolve, 8000, ‘promise three’); });

Promise.all([promise1, promise2, promise3]) .then ((values) => { console.log(values); }) .finally((values) => { console.log(‘here!’); }) ;

// ================================================================================

Chained Promises:

const myPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(‘foo’); }, 300);

myPromise .then(value => { return value + ‘ and bar’; }) .then(value => { return value + ‘ and bar again’; }) .then(value => { return value + ‘ and again’; }) .then(value => { return value + ‘ and again’; }) .then(value => { console.log(‘value: ‘ + value) }) .catch(err => { console.log(err) });
How to use Promise.all
const all = Promise.all([ new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(1), 1000), ), new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(2), 2000), ), new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(3), 3000), ),
]).catch(err => console.log(‘Promise was rejected!’, err));

all.then(results => console.log(results)); // the output is: [1, 2, 3]

A less harsh spin on “Mutable contextual state”
function getExample(){ //locally scoped const results = {}; return promiseA(paramsA).then(function(resultA){ results.a = resultA; return promiseB(paramsB); }).then(function(resultB){ results.b = resultB; return promiseC(paramsC); }).then(function(resultC){ //Resolve with composite of all promises return Promise.resolve(results.a + results.b + resultC); }).catch(function(error){ return Promise.reject(error); });

Mark Edwards



open up Google-VM ftp ports (AND SSH!)

Jul 16, 04:05 AM

2023-01-26 – you can “disable” the normal security by following these instructions:

0 – set password for username (‘mark’)
1 – Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.
2 – Change PasswordAuthentication and ChallengeResponseAuthentication to yes. line 70: (change “PasswordAuthentication no” to “PasswordAuthentication yes”) ??????? ChallengeResponseAuthentication too ????
3- sudo systemctl restart sshd.service ;

sudo vi /etc/selinux/config; and changing SELINUX=permissive will permanently lock you out!
SELINUX=enforcing appears to be required.
POSSIBLE SALVAGE:,system%20and%20system%20will%20restart.

much of this needs to be revised…. 2022-12-12

1) click name of vm instance
2) scroll down to “Network Interface” and click “default”
3) click “FIREWALLS” tab (inbetween “.STATIC INTERNALS IP ADDRESSES” and “ROUTES”)
4) either click down-arrow by “vpc-firewall-rules” or just create a new rule
5a) be sure to select “Ingress:
5b) be sure not to overlook the “” setting for the “Source” and note trailing “/0” that must be included UPDATE: or just include your own home IP number (webpage ssh login will no longer work)
6) UDP NOT REQUIRED some day, play with the ftp vs udp
7) naturally select which ports you want open!


1 - set Target "Apply to All"
2 - source IP range: (i always forget trailing slash-zero
3 - reboot  (?)
4 - mariadb MAY need to have:     (did this again 2023-05-18)
in either /etc/my.cnf or  /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf

UPDATE: target tag does not seem to work, but "Apply to all" does!

I have had great difficulty getting google-vm to open a port.

my big "struggle/mistake" was the name of the network "target" - it should be "Apply to all".

This value should either be "Apply to all" (or MAYBE specify the name of the google-vm??)

this article is very comprehensive

it proves a little "tricky" to get to the network area:

this is where it HAS to say "Apply to all": (i never did get the target-name working!)


 ls -l | ncat  --listen  10000 ;   ## this simple example will pass the results of the "ls" command out port 10000 then exit.

 telnet  10000; ## this client command should display the directory contents then exit.
ncat examples

To display open server ports:
netstat --listening  --numeric  --tcp  --udp;  ## displays open ports
netstat --listening  --numeric  --tcp  --udp;  ## displays open ports (deprecated)

EDIT: 2021-10-14

i forgot about the "target" and to set
Mark Edwards



zfs on Rocky-Linux

Jul 8, 05:24 PM

John Q:

That looks like lvm, which is a fine method. I’ve used lvm in the past, and don’t have any complaints on it except I prefer zfs over lvm.

dnf localinstall ;
gpg —import —import-options show-only /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-zfsonlinux ;
dnf config-manager —disable zfs ;
dnf config-manager —enable zfs-kmod ;
dnf install zfs ;
zpool create test raidz sdb sdc sdd sde ;

untested, i am not sure using zfs is worth the trouble.


Mark Edwards



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